Welcome to my personal web page.
- Hi, My name is Psedro Almeida and I'm a game developer.
I have a bachelor and masters in video game engineering. Both courses are from the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, which is located in barcelos, Portugal.
My master's thesis was in Reinforcement Learning AI for first person shooter, you can check it out here
This website serves to introduce myself, show my skills and my projects! - About this site
The projects page lists all my present and past projects. There is a page for each one of the major ones, please click their respective images to go there.
The "Play now" page contains a webgl project that showcases my programming skills.
In the contacts page you can send me an email. - About me
- I am from Santarém, Portugal.
Besides Portuguese, I can speak English, some Spanish and can read and understand Japanese, which I have been learning for the past years.
My hobbies include video games, anime/manga, drawing and weight lifting. - Skills
- I have experience in various programming languages such as c#, c, c++, kotlin, swift and others. I mainly use c# because I mainly use unity, but transfering programming skills from one modern language to another is usually easy
- I originally come from a multimedia background, I have a lot of experience with software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Audition, Clip Studio, Reaper, and others.
- I also have experience with 3D modelling, rigging, and animating. My favourite software to use for 3D is maya, but I have also used 3dMax and blender. Right now, I hope to learn more blender, as it is free.
- Finally, I have extensive experience with unity, but I have also used monogame and unreal engine 4 before. I have plans on learning Godot.
- I regurly use Github to store my projects in, you can check it out here
- I got into drawing during during my first year of college, stopped during the final and during my mastes. Recently I got back into it some time after graduating, you can check out my drawings on twitter, beware that some are not safe for work (sexual in nature)
Links (professional stuff):
links (personal stuff)
if for some reason the contacts page stops working, you can instead DM me through twitter

Site News
- 26/07/24
Did some small updates to update some pages.
my thesis is now properly linked to here.
- 31/01/24
Updated my multi genre project with a new game!
it's a prototype that i've been working on. -Play me!-
- 25/12/23
Added a new page for my 3D projects -Click me-
Happy Holidays!
- 08/12/23
Added Game design documents to the following projects' pages:
Slime Busters, Space CleanUp, Quest for life, Mech Commando, Rubi.