Number Master

Arduino Game

The project
This is a simple memory game made with a arduino UNO and some other components. Each turn, the screen will show you a number, which you have to memorize, and then input it back with the keypad.
if you currectly guess the number, you gain 10 points, and if you fail, you lose 10. You then level up by accumating 50 points, and the game gets harder. the game continues forever, increasing in difficulty with each level up. You game over if you level down 2 times, which happens after you fail to guess the number 3 times.
  • Arduino UNO BreadBoard
  • Keypad 3x4
  • Buzzer
  • 1 Green Led
  • 1 Red Led
  • LCD Display: Gravity: I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display
  • 12V/1A Transformer